Tintware Documentation : Tint Automation Client : Automation Reference : property.callSyntax#(%object.%property.get,...) #(%object.%property.put,...) #(%object.%property.putref,...) %object is an object and %property is the name of a property. ... indicates that for indexed properties there than be one or more indices specified as well. Use get to get the value of a property and put or putref to set the value of a property. Examples#(oleauto.new-object,adodb.connection) oleauto.object.00f010a0 #(oleauto.object.00f010a0.Mode.get) adModeUnknown #(oleauto.object.00f010a0.IsolationLevel.get) adXactCursorStability #(oleauto.object.00f010a0.Mode.put,adModeShareDenyWrite) #(oleauto.object.00f010a0.Mode.get) adModeShareDenyWrite |