Tintware Documentation : Tint Automation Client : Automation Reference : objectSyntax#(type.list,,%object.) #(%object.type) #(%object.library) %object is an automation object. Listing of an object using tint.list is just like listing the interface or coclass for the object. type will return the interface or coclass for the object. library will return the type library for the object. Examples#(oleauto.typelib.{00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}.Connection.progid) ADODB.Connection.2.5 #(oleauto.new-object,ADODB.Connection.2.5) #(oleauto.object.012f10a0.type) Connection #(oleauto.object.012f10a0.library) Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library ##(tint.list,( ),oleauto.object.012f10a0.) Attributes BeginTrans Cancel Close CommandTimeout CommitTrans ConnectionString ConnectionTimeout CursorLocation DefaultDatabase Errors Execute IsolationLevel Mode Open OpenSchema Properties Provider RollbackTrans State Version ConnectComplete Disconnect |