Tintware Documentation : Tint Emacs : GNU Emacs Compatibility : Basic Editing CommandsMoving PointC-a (which is bound to beginning-of-line) moves to the beginning of the line. C-e (which is bound to end-of-line) moves to the end of the line. C-f (which is bound to forward-char) moves forward one character. C-b (which is bound to backward-char) moves backward one character. C-n (which is bound to next-line) moves down one line vertically. C-p (which is bound to previous-line) moves up one line vertically. Both of these attempt to maintain the point in the same column. M-< (which is bound to beginning-of-buffer) moves to the beginning of the buffer. M-> (which is bound to end-of-buffer) moves to the end of the buffer. M-x goto-char will prompt for a position and move there. M-x goto-line will prompt for a line and move there. C-x C-n (which is bound to set-goal-column) will use the current column as the permanent goal column for this buffer until C-u C-x C-n is pressed. These all work the same as GNU Emacs except that the customization variable track-eol is not supported. Tint Emacs does support the customization variable next-line-add-newlines. Tint Emacs does not currently support move-to-window-line (which is bound to M-r by default. Erasing TextDel (which is bound to backward-delete-char) will erase the previous character. C-d (which is bound to delete-char) will erase the next character. These both work the same as GNU Emacs. UndoC-x u and C-_ (which are both bound to undo) work the same as GNU Emacs except that undoing changes in a region is not supported. Blank LinesC-o (which is bound to open-line) will insert a blank line after the point. C-x C-o (which is bound to delete-blank-lines) will delete all but one of many consecutive blank lines. Cursor Position InformationM-x what-page prints out the page number and the line number within that page where the cursor is located. M-x what-line prints out the line number of the cursor. M-= (which is bound to count-lines-region) prints the number of lines and characters in the region. C-x = (which is bound to what-cursor-position) prints out information about the current character and position. These all work the same as GNU Emacs. line-number-mode and column-number-mode are not supported; line number and column number information is always displayed. Numeric ArgumentsC-u (which is bound to universal-argument) means a numeric argument of four or multiply the current numeric argument by four. M-- (which is bound to negative-argument) means to negate the numeric argument or negative one. M-0 to M-9 for all the digits (which are bound to digit-argument) means that digit or to append that digit to the current numeric argument. These all work the same as GNU Emacs. Repeating a CommandC-x z (which is bound to repeat) will repeat the last command. If repeat is invoked without a numarg, it will use the numarg for the last command. If repeat is invoked with a numarg, it will use that one. Each z pressed after the initial C-x z will repeat the command again. For example, C-n C-x z z z z will move down four lines. This all works the same as GNU Emacs. |